The Client Brief
PurpleCV are CV experts. They specialise in writing, designing or improving your CV, helping you find your ideal job. The client came to us with a vision for their website design, outlined in a sketch. In terms of development, they were looking for an easy to use ordering and payment system for their customers.

Our Solution
As all of our designs are completely bespoke, not being restricted by website design templates, we were able to design and build the website matching the client's vision. Working closely with the client, we developed a smooth and straightforward checkout process, where customer could upload their CV and make payments online.

The Result
Since beginning the start-up journey with PurpleCV, back in 2013, we are now proud to say that they are one of our most successful start-up clients, as they are now one of the UK’s leading CV writing companies. As all sales are via the website, Red 13 have played an instrumental part in the company’s success.
Client Testimonial

Andrew Arkley
Managing DirectorWe initially met Red 13 back in 2013, when Purple CV was a mere seed in the ground. They quickly grasped our business and vision and developed our brand, logo, and website. We continued to grow our strong relationship over the years, and are now proud to say that Purple CV is the UK’s leading CV Writing company. Red 13 have been instrumental in our success, so we offer a huge thank you and the strongest of recommendations to others, not only for website services but also business growth.